TOP 100
1°Mulholland drive , David Lynch
2°Eyes wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick
3°Lost in translation , Sofia Coppola
4°Memories of murder , Joon Ho Bong
5°Apocalypse Now Redux, Francis Ford Coppola
6°Seven, David Fincher
7°Matrix, Lana et Andy Wachowski
8°Les anges déchus, Wong Kar Wai
9°Mysterious skin , Gregg Araki
10°Love Exposure, Sono Sion
11°Lost highway , David Lynch
12°The social network , David Fincher
13°The Tree of Life, Terrance Malick
14°Irréversible, Gaspar Noe
15°Crash de David Cronenberg
16°Donnie Darko, Richard Kelly
17°Sonatine, Takeshi Kitano
18°Le Village, M Night Shyamalan
19°Heat, Michael Mann
20°Shame, Steeve Mcqueen
21°There will be blood, Paul Thomas Anderson
22°Hana-bi, Takeshi Kitano
23°Scott Pilgrim, Edgar Wright
24°Videodrome, David Cronenberg
25°Perfect Blue, Satoshi Kon
26°American Beauty, Sam Mendes
27°Two lovers, James Gray
28 Mauvais sang, Leos Carax
29°Oslo, 31 aout, Joachim Trier
30°Ghost in the shell, Mamoru Oshii
31°Le Parrain de Francis Ford Coppola
32°Under the skin, Jonathan Glazer
33°Terminator 2 de James Cameron
34°No country for old men , Cohen
35°Bienvenue à Gattaca, Andrew Niccol
36°Matrix Reloaded, Wachowski
37°Un coeur en hiver, Claude Sautet
38°Sombre, Philippe Grandrieux
39°L'enfer du Dimanche, Oliver Stone
40°The Chaser, Hong Jin Na
41°Le Miroir, Andrei Tarkovski
42°History of violence, David Cronenberg
43°Millennium Mambo de Hou Hsiao Hsien
44°Toy Story, John Lasseter
45°Dead Man, Jim Jarmusch
46°Kill Bill volume 1, Quentin Tarantino
47°Old boy , Park Chan Wook
48°Her, Spide Jonze
49°Révélations, Michael Mann
50°Time and Tide, Tsui Hark
51°Spiderman 2, Sam Raimi
52°The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan
53°A bitter sweet life, Kim Jee Woon
54°Enter the void, Gaspar Noe
55°Kick Ass, Matthew Vaughn
56°Terminator, James Cameron
57°Tigre et Dragon, Ang Lee
58°Esarerhead, David Lynch
59°Paprika, Satoshi Kon
60°Virgin Suicides, Sofia Coppola
61°The watchmen , Zack Snyder
62°Requiem for a dream , Darren Aronofsky
63°Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Michel Gondry
64°Collateral, Michael Mann
65°Valse avec Bachir, Ari Folman
66°Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock
67°The Thing, John Carpenter
68°Black Swan, Darren Aronofski
69°Drive, Nicolas Winding Refn
70°Le nouveau monde, Terrence Malick
71°Dragons, Chris Sander
72°Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino
73°Ninja Scroll, Yoshiaki Kawajiri
74°Persona, Ingmar Bergman
75°Le cercle rouge , Jean Pierre Melville
76°La Ligne Rouge, Terrence Malick
77°The grandmaster, Wong Kar Wai
78°Funny Games US, Michael Haneke
79°Cure de Kiyoshi Kurosawa
80°Hellboy 2, Guillermo Del Toro
81°Nowhere, Gregg Araki
82°L'impasse, Brian de Palma
83°La princesse Mononoké, Hayao Miyazaki
84°La cité de la peur, Alain Berbérian
85°La nuit nous appartient, James Gray
86°L'armée des ombres, de Jean Pierre Melville
87°Starship Troopers, Paul Verhoeven
88°Doom Generation, Gregg Araki
89°Blade Runner, Ridley Scott
90°Trouble Every Day, Claire Denis
91°L'heure du loup, Ingmar Bergman
92°La montagne sacrée, Alejandro Jodorowski
93°C'est arrivé près de chez vous, Rémy Belvaux
94°Millenium, David Fincher
95°Speed Racer de Andy et Lana Wachowski
96°Millennium Actress, Satoshi Kon
97°Les fils de l'homme, Alfonso Cuaron
98°In the Mood for love, Wong Kar Wai
99°La pianiste, Michael Haneke
100°Cosmopolis, David Cronenberg