Réalisation: David Cronenberg
Distribution: Viggo Mortensen
Genre: Body-horror type stuff
Origine: USA
Sortie: 2022 ?
Synopsis: ???
Alegas a écrit:Cronenberg serait en train de préparer son nouveau film, sept ans après Maps to the stars, avec Viggo Mortensen.Are you two in talks for another collaboration sometime soon?
Yes, we do have something in mind. It's something he wrote a long time ago, and he never got it made. Now he's refined it, and he wants to shoot it. Hopefully, it'll be this summer we'll be filming. I would say, without giving the story away, he's going maybe a little bit back to his origins.
So, body-horror type stuff?
Yeah, it's very interesting. It's almost like a strange film noir story. It's disturbing and it's good, I think. But since his origins, he's obviously developed in terms of technique and self-assurance as a director.
Le tournage va commencer cet été à Athènes, et un prod a lâché que le titre serait Crimes of the future, ce qui pourrait laisser penser que ce sera un remake d'un de ses tout premiers films (sorti en 1970 et qui durait un peu plus d'une heure).
Si c'est le cas, le synopsis devrait se rapprocher de ça, et confirmer le body-horror type stuff dont parlait Mortensen :
Crimes of the Future details the wanderings of Adrian Tripod (Ronald Mlodzik), sometime director of a dermatological clinic called the House of Skin, who is searching for his mentor, the mad dermatologist Antoine Rouge. Rouge has disappeared following a catastrophic plague resulting from cosmetic products, which has killed the entire population of sexually mature women and allegedly claimed the life of Rouge himself after the virus mutated to affect men.