Passons. Ce que j'espère surtout sans y croire, c'est le retour de Don Davis.
Modérateur: Alegas
Waylander a écrit:Fishburne ne revient pas, mais Morpheus "jeune" si apparemment non ?
The events of the ill-fated MMO The Matrix Online take place shortly after The Matrix Revolutions. Not long after the Truce, humans, never content with a good thing, start surreptitiously constructing a second Zion, breaking the rules of the ceasefire between humanity and the machines. This leads to further confrontations between the two factions, escalated by Morpheus' newfound fanatical desire to get Neo's remains back from the Machine City. A new faction of machine-friendly human fighters emerges, calling themselves Cypherites after the infamous Resistance soldier who betrayed his comrades for a chance to be re-inserted into the Matrix without any memory of his time outside. Morpheus is killed by an assassin within the program. Newer, more deadly machines surface, and rumors swirl that Neo may have survived his fateful trip to the Source.
“What makes [Lana] so great is she directs her own action,” Stahelski told Collider. “We’ve had second unit directors on some of the [‘Matrix’ films] just because of the logistics involved. But of late, and especially on ‘Matrix 4,’ she’s directing her own action. The second units for them are mostly establishing shots, the B-sides of the some of the compositions for some locations. But Lana, she does her own action. She weaves it into the main unit stuff, which is why their stuff looks so good.”
Stahelski described “The Matrix 4” as “incredibly fun,” adding, “I think if you’re a fan of the original trilogy you’re gonna love this. It’s coming back with a vengeance.”
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