Alors attention car :
1- Nomura avait dit qu'ils avaient annoncé le jeu trop tôt en 2015
2- Ils ont rebootés le projet début 2018 mais je reste persuadé qu'ils n'ont pas TOUT repris. Ils ont retoutchés les persos c'est certain mais le reste, ça ressemble tout de même beaucoup.
3- Nomura vient d'annoncer que tout était prêt pour le lancement...
4- En début d'année, Square a dit qu'un gros jeu sortirait fin 2019...
5- Vu comment ils lancent le reveal là, avec grosses infos en Juin, je reste persuadé que le jeu sortira max Mars 2020 et qu'il sera toujours scindé en 2 en 3 parties car je ne vois pas comment, à cette échelle, ils pourraient tout inclure d'FF7 en un seul jeu vu la gueule du truc.
Là ça sent clairement une sortie ps4 du premier volet quoi.
The newest trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake has been published at today's State of Play.
The original version was released on PlayStation in 1997. The magnificently moving story, appealing characters, and movies that used leading-edge technology at the time fascinated a lot of people, and up until now, it has recorded a worldwide total sales of over 11 million copies. (The total is combined from both physical software shipments and digital sales)
And Final Fantasy VII Remake, reborn on the PlayStation 4, is us conducting a full remake as we review many of its content, and we are progressing on its production as partitioned titles. We will give new information in June, so please kindly look forward to it.
Here's our answer, direct from the official Square Enix Japan website, which tells players "we are progressing on [FF7 Remake's] production as partitioned titles". So there you have it - it's still episodic.
Episodic doesn't mean that it will be released in regularly-spaced chunks like a Telltale Game or Life is Strange, however - it means FF7's story will be split across multiple full-price games that'll have the size and scope of full-blown RPG releases. Exactly how many parts it'll be split into or where in FF7 the split will occur remains unclear, though three parts seems a safe bet, and many fans speculate the first part will solely cosist of a heavily expanded version of Midgar.