Modérateur: Alegas
the fact that a movie that’s supposed to be about giant robots fighting giant monsters, doesn’t even have a giant robots-versus-giant monsters battle until well into the third act. Yeah … all those brightly lit glory shots from the trailer are from one sequence. That’s it.
l'embargo s'arrête après la première séance, pas après 3 semaines d'exploitation).
Y'a un embargo sur tous les Marvel, et ils se font des millions...
Mark Chopper a écrit:Y'a un embargo sur tous les Marvel, et ils se font des millions...
Quel embargo ? Les Marvel bénéficient toujours de critiques de ouf (Thor 3 est à 92 % sur Rotten).
Alegas a écrit:Par exemple, Ready Player One est un film sur lequel la Warner semble compter.
We were getting ready to do it, it was different from the first, but it had a continuation of many of the things that I was trying to do. Then what happened is—I mean, this is why life’s crazy, right?—they had to give a deposit for the stages at 5pm or we would lose the stages in Toronto for many months. So, I said, “Don't forget we're gonna lose the stages,” and five o'clock came and went, and we lost the stages. They said, “Well, we can shoot it in China.” And I go, “What do you mean we?” [Laughs] “I’ve gotta go do Shape of Water.”
"I didn't see the final movie because that’s like watching home movies from your ex-wife. It is terrible if they're good and worse if they're bad, or the opposite. You don't wanna know. So, I didn't see it. I did read the final script, and it was very different. Some of the elements were the same but very different."
I didn't see the final movie
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