Réalisation: James Gunn
Distribution: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Karen Gillan, Kurt Russell, Glenn Close, ...
Genre: SF
Origine: USA
Sortie: 26 avril 2017
Synopsis: Les Gardiens de la Galaxie chercheront à percer le mystère de la véritable filiation de Star-Lord...
Il n'y a pas Deakins à la photo, ni Luhrmann à la réal

Red continue sa course aux pixels pour continuer à exister face à la Arri Alexa bien plus utilisé. A noter que Les Gardiens de la Galaxie était shooté avec la Alexa.
It's not out of the realm of possibility that most, or all of it could be in 8K full-frame, however, as a movie like The Revenant, which is now in theaters, shot quite a bit of the film on ARRI's 6K ALEXA 65 (above 10% or close to 25% depending on the source). That camera has a much larger sensor than Vista Vision, and at times much higher data rates due to being uncompressed RAW (while RED's is compressed).
La caméra a été choisie comme souvent juste parce qu'elle est plus petite donc permet de faire des plans impossible avec une camera plus grosse comme le fight dans le resto dans Hacker.
as DP Henry Braham, BSC previously worked with RED on Tarzan. James Gunn, the director, used the RED ONE on his film Super, and though the first Guardians film was mostly ALEXA, he's gone back to RED for the newest film shooting in February. Gunn expanded on why this camera was chosen over something like the ARRI 65 on Facebook:
It was a huge question. I love both cameras. It came down to the fact that we're employing some additional new technologies in creating the film and I needed the smaller physical size of the RED to do so