Réalisation: Robert Zemeckis
Distribution: Brad Pitt, Marion Cottilard
Genre: Drame, Thriller
Origine: USA
Sortie: 2016/2017
Synopsis: Two assassins who fall in love while on a mission in Morocco to kill a German ambassador.
Le scénariste/réal Steven Knight est en promo pour Pawn Sacrifice, il a donné pas mal d'info sur ces projets avec Brad Pitt pour lequel il a également écrit la suite de World War Z.
Zemeckis en réal ça me réjouis pas de masse mais bon si il a un bon script ça peut changer la donne. Là le pitch me plait bien.

Voilà plus de précision venant du scénariste, le tournage démarre en janvier 2016. Donc sortie fin 2016/début 2017.
“It starts shooting in January… It’s based on a story that was told to me personally when I was about 21 years old. It’s set in Britain during the war and [is] the story of a relationship that involves espionage.”
“It’s more of a drama. It’s more of a story and a love story, but with surprising elements to it.”
“This is a very odd story. I was in Texas working as a dishwasher and doing all sorts of weird things. I was going out with an English girl at the time and her auntie lived in Texas, and she got talking about her brother who had been in the S.O.E., the British Secret Service if you like, and she told me this story that just stayed with me. I’ve always known it would be a film, and now it’s gonna be the ultimate. I can’t believe the cast we’ve got, I can’t believe the director we’ve got, it’s just a dream.”