Dans ce cas, X-Men aussi c'est un film sur la lutte des classes ?
Sérieux là les mecs vous le voyez où le postulat riches/pauvres ?
Modérateurs: Alegas, padri18, Moviewar
“It’s about eight different people living their normal lives and then all of a sudden it all becomes connected through a traumatic event. They start to experience each other in their day-to-day lives. They begin to cerebrally and spiritually travel. So they turn up in each other’s lives, and they’re all kind of connected like one organism. It explores some great themes about empathy and how we’re all connected as people. It’s a dramatic thriller. We have these guys called Whispers chasing us, who’re trying to collect the Sense8 group. Because once you can collect them you can control their minds. You can control their connectivity. It’s a really powerful piece that is Wachowskis’ next brainchild. And that’s going to be dropping on Netflix the middle of next year. It should be very, very cool.”
"We wanted to make a thing that's about everything. We told Netflix we were like, 'We're only interested in doing this. It's going to be so hard, it's not very much money. We're only interested in it if we can do anything. And I mean anything. Like crazy psychic orgies with all sorts of different bodies.' And they were like, 'Yeah sure, cool great,' " Lana Wachowski told io9.
"It's science fiction but it's more about humanity. It's about everything," Andy Wachowski also said, adding without exaggeration: "We have live births…Babies coming out of vaginas… Tune in. In May, you'll see."
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