Sélection dévoilée :
Paysage : panorama du cinéma coréen contemporain
<10 Minutes> 10분 de Lee Yong Seung
<A Dream of Iron> 철의 꿈 de Kelvin Kyung Kun Park
<Broken> 방황하는 칼날 de Lee Jeong-ho
<Futureless Things> 이것이 우리의 끝이다 de Kim Kyung-mook
<Intruders> 조난자들 de Noh Young-seok
<Manshin : Ten Thousand Spirits> 만신 de Park Chan-kyong
<My Dear Girl, Jin-young> 사랑해! 진영아 de Lee Sung-eun
<Night Flight> 야간비행 de Leesong Hee-il
<Non-Fiction Diary> 논픽션 다이어리 de Jung Yoon-suk
<The Attorney> 변호인 de Yang Woo-suk
<The Fake> 사이비 de Yeon Sangho
<The Terror Live> 더 테러 라이브 de Kim Byung-woo
Portrait : Lee Sujin
<A Capella (Han Gong-ju)> 한공주
Les courts métrages <Papa>, <Son’s> et <Enemy’s Apple>
Classiques : Le charme irrésistible du cinéma d’horreur coréen
<A Bloodthirsty Killer> 살인마 de Lee Yong-min (1965)
<A Public Cemetery of Wol-ha> 월하의 공동묘지 de Gwon Cheol-hwi (1967)
<Thousand Years Old Fox> 천년호 de Shin Sang-ok (1969)
<Suddenly in Dark Night> 깊은밤 갑자기 de Go Yeong-nam (1981)
<Sorum (Gooseflesh)> 소름 de Yoon Jong-chan (2001)