"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Le 3 c'est une parodie ! Le 2 était déjà suffisamment léger par rapport au 1. Arrêtons les conneries, mais j'ai quand même hâte de voir la première bande annonce. Soit il y aura de quoi se moquer, soit ce sera une bonne surprise.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
zack_ a écrit:Très bon le Arnold dans le second degrés! Parle a ma main!
Arnold peut-être, le mythe du Terminator moins.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Pour les cheveux gris, je suis sûr qu'ils vont inventer une nouvelle théorie comme pour le deux où il sourit, comme une IA qui imiterait son environnement humain pour mieux se fondre dans la foule.