RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

L'actualité cinéma

Modérateur: Alegas

RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Sam 08 Fév 2014, 12:47

Titre: Red Squad
Réalisation: John McTiernan
Distribution: ???
Genre: Thriller
Origine: USA

Sortie: 2015

Synopsis: A former DEA agent with a rogue streak and his select team of mercenaries descend upon a Mexican border town to neutralize a drug lord.

Peut-être bien LA news de ce début d'année, à savoir le retour aux affaires de McT. Le film est prévendu sur Berlin, et si tout se passe bien le tournage devrait commencer au printemps, soit peu de temps après la sortie du bonhomme de prison.
En espérant que le film ne subisse pas le même sort que Shrapnel.

"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
Localisation: In the Matrix

Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar puta madre » Sam 08 Fév 2014, 15:27

Si ça se concrétise, le retour de McT derrière la caméra sera LA bonne nouvelle de l'année. En espérant qu'il n'ait pas trop perdu pendant ses dix années d'inactivité!
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puta madre
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Mr Jack » Sam 08 Fév 2014, 21:00

Six années c'est pas si long :super:
You have to believe.
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Sam 08 Fév 2014, 22:16

Six ? Basic, son dernier film, date de 2003.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Mr Jack » Sam 08 Fév 2014, 22:35

Oula, faut que j'aille me coucher :eheh: :arrow:
You have to believe.
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Mr Jack
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Dim 09 Fév 2014, 15:31

"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
Localisation: In the Matrix

Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Heatmann » Dim 09 Fév 2014, 16:16

le pitch en gros c'est le meme que le Sabotage d'Arnie , ce qui est pas pour me deplaire , un putain de pitch ca

Cage c est sur ? ca serait cool :bluespit:
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Dim 09 Fév 2014, 17:09

T'as vu ça où la présence de Cage ?
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Heatmann » Dim 09 Fév 2014, 17:22

parcque j avais vue celle la trainer today
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Dim 09 Fév 2014, 18:35

Oulà, un nom d'acteur aussi tôt ça m'étonne. Il doit être en négo car d'après ce que j'ai pu lire rien n'est officialiser pour le moment.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Riton » Lun 10 Fév 2014, 12:30

McT is back !! :love:
Mes DVD a vendre à partir de 0.70€ 8)
helldude™ a écrit:bik et moi vivions déjà le grand amour avant l'épisode de l'éjaculation faciale

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Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar helldude » Lun 10 Fév 2014, 15:52

Alegas a écrit:Peut-être bien LA news de ce début d'année, à savoir le retour aux affaires de McT. Le film est prévendu sur Berlin, et si tout se passe bien le tournage devrait commencer au printemps, soit peu de temps après la sortie du bonhomme de prison.
En espérant que le film ne subisse pas le même sort que Shrapnel.

oui, vu que c'est McTiernan, faut l'espérer vraiment...
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Inscription: Dim 03 Déc 2006, 19:32

Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Mer 12 Fév 2014, 09:00

"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
Localisation: In the Matrix

Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar Alegas » Lun 28 Avr 2014, 12:55

Apparemment, la présence de Nicolas Cage serait confirmée, pendant que Colin Farrel et Al Pacino sont souhaités pour d'autres rôles.

Et sinon on peut trouver un synospis assez détaillé qui spoile surement un peu :

After being forced to retire from the DEA, TRENT MITCHELL (Colin Farrell or equivalent), and his friend, a former DEA Agent and ex-convict, MARTIN CRANE (Nicolas Cage), head to a small town on the border of Texas and Mexico with a plan to take down GIRALDO ESTAMADURO, a ruthless drug lord. Estamaduro’s cartel has killed countless DEA Agents and kept the town of Los Rojos under his harsh rule for decades. Trent and Crane know that the only way to take him down is to hit him where it hurts: his money.

LENA, the daughter of their old friend, is the local police chief, a post she volunteered for after the former police chief went missing. She knows her dad’s old friends are up to something, but she can’t figure out what.
After studying Estamaduro’s empire, which includes a casino, a luxury hotel, a tire factory and a big box superstore – all of which exist to launder drug money – Crane posits that Estamaduro keeps his money close. Probably in a safe inside his massive mansion. Unable to complete the job on their own, Trent and Crane assemble a team of mercenaries of various skill sets whom they dub the “Red Squad.”

A Frenchman nicknamed RABBIT rigs a small drone to scan the mansion for the safe, which they find on the basement level. Trent’s old flame, FRANCHESCA, hacks into the security system and disables the cameras. JAGGER rigs the mansion with a contraption that releases fumes into the ventilation system to knockout the occupants. The entire crew works together to lift the safe from the house with the aid of a crane so that HUNTER can explode the safe while safely keeping the money intact.

Their plan seems to go off without a hitch, and the Red Squad gets away with close to seven hundred million dollars! But Estamaduro does something they don’t expect; he takes his anger out on the innocent people of Los Rojos. Meanwhile, JACK REILLY (Al Pacino or equivalent) Trent’s former mentor in the DEA, senses Trent’s involvement in the theft, and comes to Los Rojos to investigate. RAMON, Estamaduro’s right hand man, oversees the murder of several innocent townspeople, prompting Lena to beg Crane for help. Crane convinces most of the Red Squad to stay and fight Estamaduro, but Trent holds out, eager to take his hundred million and disappear somewhere south of the equator. But when he learns that the cartel has abducted Jack, he has a change of heart.

The Red Squad goes after Estamaduro and his cartel with reckless abandon, culminating in a massive battle in the streets of Los Rojos.
Movies simply don’t get more exciting than “Red Squad.” Legendary director John McTiernan’s signature action, terrific humor, fun characters, and a timely subject matter combine for an entertaining adventure in which good triumphs over evil and an unlikely hero emerges and inspires.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Messages: 50696
Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
Localisation: In the Matrix

Re: RED SQUAD de John McTiernan

Messagepar padri18 » Jeu 05 Juin 2014, 23:28

FInalement Nicolas Cage ne sera pas de la partie Nicolas Cage ne fera pas RED SQUAD de John McTiernan
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