UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

L'actualité cinéma

Modérateur: Alegas

UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar zack_ » Lun 08 Nov 2010, 17:45

Réalisation: Jonathan Glazer
Distribution: Scarlett Johansson
Genre: Thriller
Origine: USA

Sortie: Prochainement

Synopsis: Un alien qui débarque sur Terre en prenant la forme d’une femme parfaite part en quête de proies humaines forcément sensibles à son sex-appeal…

Au début l’histoire peut s’apparenter a La Mutante, le film de Roger Donaldson avec Ben Kingsley sortie en 95 avec le thème de la tueuse qui se reporduit, et le coté moralisateur du film Le Jour où la Terre s’arrêta de Scott Derrickson avec Keanu Reeves sortie en 2008. Le scénario est signé par Walter Campbell et Glazer ont conçu l’histoire de manière à ce qu’elle soit racontée à travers le point de vue de l’alien tueuse. Elle est décrite comme « sans pitié » mais son comportement va changer au fil du temps, jusqu’à affronter sa propre espèce pour protéger la race humaine…


Re: UNDER DE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar francesco34 » Mar 09 Nov 2010, 11:44

Bon à part Scarlett ça a pas grand intérêt...
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Milkshake » Dim 01 Sep 2013, 12:49


Les premières critiques sont plutôt bonnes du coup il m'intrigue ce film.

Hitfix : Review: Scarlett Johansson is incredible in the mesmerizing 'Under the Skin'

Glazer may be the visionary behind "Under the Skin" cinematic highs, but it must be noted that this film lives and dies on Johansson's incredible turn. Johansson's dialogue is mostly limited to her pickup lines as she scours the city for new meat. Even though a majority of her scenes are silent the 28-year-old actress still finds a way to bring a distinct dramatic arc to her character. Johnasson has shown signs before, but even her harshest critics will have to recognize she's clearly grown into a world class actress.

Playlist : Telluride Review: Jonathan Glazer's 'Under The Skin'

Johannson turns out to be perfectly cast, being able to shift from blank alien mode to kittenish seduction without ever letting you see the switch being turned on or off. Her participation won’t likely be enough to get a broad audience to “Under the Skin,” given its somber pacing and downer themes, although stills of the actress's lingerie scenes frankly might help. The denouement, while fitting as well as unexpected, may not be satisfying enough to cause a run on arthouses, either. But a cult audience with a penchant for SF morality tales may warm to this chilly girl-who-fell-to-earth story. [B+]
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Inscription: Dim 13 Sep 2009, 16:55

Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Alegas » Mar 03 Sep 2013, 02:04

"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Jack Spret » Mar 03 Sep 2013, 10:02

Ca a l'air ultra chelou.
On dirait un mix entre Lynch et Cronenberg :shock:

"- Ça vous dirait un petit échange dans la ruelle, derrière le bar ?
- Si c’est un échange de fluides corporels, je suis pas contre. Mais alors dans ce cas, tu passes devant."
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar elpingos » Mar 03 Sep 2013, 13:05

Intrigant... Pas vu ses autres films..
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Wauwau » Mer 04 Sep 2013, 22:04

Hollywood Reporter a écrit:“Scarlett Johansson totally commits to the part, to the extent that she even performs several scenes of full-frontal nudity.”

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Inscription: Lun 10 Mai 2010, 20:48
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Alegas » Mer 04 Sep 2013, 22:16

Mine de rien, c'est clairement le projet de Scarlett Johansson le plus intriguant depuis bien longtemps, car autant sa filmo démarrait super bien avec le Coen, le Coppola et Match Point, autant ça fait un peu plus de 5 ans que ses choix de carrière puent la facilité.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Modo Gestapo
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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
Localisation: In the Matrix

Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Dunandan » Mer 04 Sep 2013, 22:36

C'est clair que s'il faut se foutre à poil pour attirer l'attention (et elle l'aura sûrement ^^), c'est qu'il y a un petit problème ... (5 ans déjà :?)
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar padri18 » Jeu 05 Sep 2013, 07:50

Hollywood Reporter a écrit:“Scarlett Johansson totally commits to the part, to the extent that she even performs several scenes of full-frontal nudity.”

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Inscription: Ven 08 Oct 2010, 23:00

Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Velvet » Jeu 05 Sep 2013, 08:11

Il me plait beaucoup ce petit trailer...
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Inscription: Dim 16 Juin 2013, 17:34

Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Alegas » Lun 23 Sep 2013, 19:57

"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Modo Gestapo
Modo Gestapo
Messages: 50139
Inscription: Mar 11 Mai 2010, 14:05
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Mark Chopper » Lun 23 Sep 2013, 20:03

Putain La Mutante en mode trippesque, je signe.
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Mark Chopper
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar elpingos » Mar 11 Fév 2014, 15:52

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Inscription: Ven 15 Avr 2011, 12:12
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Re: UNDER THE SKIN de Jonathan Glazer

Messagepar Mark Chopper » Mar 11 Fév 2014, 16:19

Merci de ne plus remonter ce topic, sauf pour poster des photos de Scarlett nue :evil:
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Mark Chopper
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Inscription: Dim 12 Fév 2012, 13:14


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