STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

L'actualité cinéma

Modérateur: Alegas

Re: STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

Messagepar Alegas » Sam 12 Jan 2013, 15:21

Clint Mansell signe la BO. Un extrait en écoute ici.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Re: STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

Messagepar zirko » Mar 22 Jan 2013, 23:28

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Re: STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

Messagepar Milkshake » Mer 23 Jan 2013, 20:13

Les premiers retours sont mitigé comme d'hab pour du Park Chan la réal serait de haut niveau par contre le scénario de Mr Prison break serait pas terrible.
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Re: STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

Messagepar Alegas » Mer 30 Jan 2013, 18:46

Et bien au contraire je lis presque rien de mitigé de mon côté, les critiques US ont l'air même de bien se toucher sur le film (9 critiques sur Rottentomatoes avec une moyenne de 100%, c'est sur ça restera pas aussi haut mais c'est pour donner une idée). Apparemment, sur le plan visuel, le film est une tuerie.

Quelques extraits de critiques :

Stoker is an extremely slow-starter, a contemplative thriller that holds back the genre elements until the second half. As a murder mystery, it ranks as merely solid. But it’s virtually impossibly to overstate the beauty of Park’s visuals here. The rich color palette, captured with the assistance of longtime cinematographer Chung-hoon Chung, is nothing less than breathtaking. Virtually any still image from the film could be framed and hung as a masterpiece.

Nicole Kidman- while probably playing the most two-dimensional role of the film, is also quite good, and Kidman doesn't shy away from letting herself come off as an ice-cold bitch, barely able to control her excitement at the presence of the handsome new man who shakes up her life.

Maybe even more than the actors though- Park Chan-wook is the real star of STOKER. It needs to be said- Park is not a subtle director, and there's nary a straightforward shot in the film. Something unusual is always happening on screen, and to say STOKER is stylized is probably the understatement of the year. This technique may repel some- as it's even more “out-there” than it was in THIRST or OLD BOY- but it fits the material beautifully. I should also mention that STOKER is probably Park's most violent film since SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE. Pretty ballsy for a big studio film.

STOKER is definitely not a subtle film, nor a conventional one. If anything, it's a film that probably needs to be seen twice to be fully appreciated. However, even at this first glance, it's a film that's virtually impossible to get out of your head after watching it. It's pure- undiluted Park Chan-wook, and one of the most unconventional Hollywood films you're likely to see anytime soon.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Re: STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

Messagepar zirko » Mer 20 Fév 2013, 11:58

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Re: STOKER de Park Chan-Wook

Messagepar caducia » Ven 01 Mar 2013, 21:27

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