bon sur bridesmaid j avoue que je kiff le perso de jon ham

pis bon Silver lining il a un immense bonus de niro aussi bien pour sa precense , sont acting , sont role ( touchant , fun , triste , emouvant , et lui aussi a des gros TOC

Modérateur: Dunandan
Scalp a écrit:Gangster Squad : 2/10
Scalp a écrit:Gangster Squad : 2/10
"I've experienced that with so many actors, especially actors who haven't been around for a long time. You see them try on different things. I've done that, too," said Brolin. "You do a voice like that, you know, it's either going to work or it's really not going to work, in a big way. I have respect for people with the balls to put it out there. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work."
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