Modérateur: Alegas
Milkshake a écrit:Spike Lee a toujours eu des propos débile surtout vis à vis des autres réal, je me souviens qu'il avait dit nimporte quoi sur Eastwood à l'époque de Iwo Jima.
"He did two films about Iwo Jima back to back and there was not one black soldier in both of those films," Lee said Tuesday at the Cannes Film Festival.
"Frank Ocean wrote a fantastic ballad that was truly lovely and poetic in every way, there just wasn't a scene for it," Tarantino said of the song. "I could have thrown it in quickly just to have it, but that's not why he wrote it and not his intention. So I didn't want to cheapen his effort. But, the song is fantastic, and when Frank decides to unleash it on the public, they'll realize it then."
Jed Trigado a écrit:Sinon le machin avec 2pac et JB, c'est juste atroce, j'espère que c'est un canular et qu'il va pas la foutre dans le film.
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