#ALL# GTA V [17/09/13]

L'actualité du Software

Modérateurs: Alegas, Eikichi Onizuka, helldude


Messagepar Waylander » Dim 04 Nov 2012, 09:42

J'aurais plutôt dit la nana de The shield.

Messages: 26991
Inscription: Lun 03 Aoû 2009, 09:22


Messagepar Eikichi Onizuka » Lun 05 Nov 2012, 11:20

Les infos commencent à tomber.

Le prochain numéro du magazine américain GameInformer sera consacré à Grand Theft Auto 5 qui a une fois de plus pu s'offrir une exclusivité sur le jeu de Rockstar. Et comme c'est souvent le cas, certains ont déjà pu mettre la main sur le contenu du magazine et relaient donc les infos sur le Net. La prudence reste toutefois de rigueur à la lecture de ces détails concernant le héros de ce nouvel épisode, un certain Albert DeSilva qui, à 42 ans, après avoir perdu son argent dans une chaîne de Ponzi (une arnaque vieille de plus d'un siècle mais qui trouve toujours preneur) replonge dans le crime. En outre,le joueur aura également l'occasion d'incarner un autre personnage, Dougie Vejo, tout juste débarqué à Los Santos.

Le personnage principal se nomme Albert DeSilva, 42 ans, d'origine portoricaine, divorcé, 2 enfants.
Il plonge dans le crime après avoir été ruiné par une escroquerie (chaîne de Ponzi).
Le second personnage jouable se nomme Dougie Vejo, jeune délinquant fraîchement arrivé à Los Santos.
La personnalisation sera limitée aux vêtements, coupes de cheveux et traits du visage.
Los Santos sera la seule grande ville mais d'autres petites villes seront disponibles dans les environs.
Le gang de Grove Street de San Andreas sera présent (mais pas CJ).
Il sera possible d'acquérir des propriétés.
Un ou plusieurs personnages de GTA IV pourraient faire leur apparition.
La customisation des voitures sera possible.
Le groupe fictif Lovefist de GTA Vice City sera présent.
Deux mini-jeux déjà aperçus en images : le golf et le tennis.
Quelques chansons annoncées : My Michelle (Guns'n'Roses), Magic Power (Triumph), California Dreaming (The Beach Boys) et Beautiful (Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell).

source : JV.com

C'est basique mais on peut ressentir l'ambiance du titre.
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Eikichi Onizuka
Modo Rock'n Roll
Modo Rock'n Roll
Messages: 23224
Inscription: Mar 21 Aoû 2007, 00:20
Localisation: 48°23′59″N / 4°28′59″O


Messagepar Alegas » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 02:32

"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Messagepar Eikichi Onizuka » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 10:14

Vivement le 14 pour la prochaine bande annonce.
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Eikichi Onizuka
Modo Rock'n Roll
Modo Rock'n Roll
Messages: 23224
Inscription: Mar 21 Aoû 2007, 00:20
Localisation: 48°23′59″N / 4°28′59″O


Messagepar Heatmann » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 21:56

bon le fameux magazine Game informer a vue sa version digital sortie today , et donc toute les infos exclu et officiel qu'ils ont eut de rockstar apres leur entretien avec la boite :

attention je previent , l arret cardiaque est proche :

GTA fans, the time has come.

Game Informer has blown the lid off of Grand Theft Auto 5, revealing a tonne of previously unknown details about Rockstar's hugely anticipated crime game.

We know you're desperate to know the facts, so while we type up something in more detail, we thought we'd summarise everything there is to know from Game Informer's preview in the list below.

GTA 5 "evolves nearly every mechanic" found in previous games in the series.

Features the biggest open world in the series' history - GTA 5's world is bigger than the worlds of Red Dead Redemption, San Andreas and GTA IV combined.

Three playable characters who you can switch between "at nearly any time".

Each character has their own specific abilities and story arc, with all three stories intertwined.

Camera zooms out to a "Google Earth-style" perspective when switching characters.

Character 1 - Michael, an ex-bank robber in his early 40s who retired after making a deal with the FIB. He has two teenage children and hates his wife Amanda. He's also the narrator of the original GTA 5 trailer.

Character 2 - Trevor, a former war veteran and a "drugged out psychopath". Has flight experience.

Character 3 - Franklin, details unknown.

Certain characters from GTA IV and Episodes From Liberty City will also make an appearance. Rockstar's Dan Houser says we'll never see characters from the PS2 era, though. "The five PS2 games are one universe, and this is the high definition universe, so they don't co-exist," he says.

No major actors cast as any of the main characters.

Focus on making more diverse missions.

Heists and bank robberies are a big theme to the game.

Characters will work together during missions. Missions will have a "very diiferent tone depending on who's on them, how many people are on them, and how much we're using switches", says Houser.

Even when you're not controlling them, each character will still go about their own business. "You may be surprised by the situations they find themselves in should you switch back to check up on them," says Game Informer.

Big advances to lighting and shader model. Greater draw distance.

Improved vehicle handling and physics - "The cars hold to the ground better... It feels more like a racing game," Houser says.

More vehicles than in any GTA to date, including BMXs, mountain bikes, road bikes, dirt bikes, cars, trucks, helicopters, planes, ATVs and Jet Skis, but vehicle manufacturers are still fictional.
Fighter jets appear to be in. One screenshot shows a fighter equipped with missiles, as a helicopter explodes in the background.

Improved shooting and melee combat. Melee combat "never going to be as big a deal as shooting," though, warns Houser.

Los Santos is described as a "huge and diverse city", combining the best of Red Dead Redemption's "large open expanses" with GTA IV's "densely packed urban environment".
Areas in the game world include beachfronts, mountains, wilderness, a "Salton Sea" region, a military base and the suburbs.

GTA: San Andreas was about gang culture. GTA 5 is about capturing the "contemporary culture of LA".

There will be a "vibrant and fun" economy, but you won't be able to buy property.

A variety of different side missions and "more sophisticated" minigames, including yoga, triathlons, Jet Skiing, base-jumping, tennis and golf. There's a full golf course in the game. You can go scuba diving along the coastline of Los Santos, or do yoga in one of the game's parks.

Each character will have unique hobbies, including "one or two key minigame activities per character".

San Andreas' RPG-like player customization is still absent, but you can customize the clothing of each character.
GTA IV's romance feature has been removed.

Like in GTA IV, players can make friends and hang out with certain NPCs in the game, including Michael's wife and son Amanda and Jimmy, Franklin's "crazy friend" Lamar, and Trevor's mate Ron.
GTA IV's mobile phone returns, but a lot of its features have been altered. You can use it to access the internet.

Dynamic missions - hidden missions dotted around the game world. "Going off-road in the desert, you may come across two parked cars and a sea of dead bodies around them... Investigate if you want."
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Messages: 33395
Inscription: Jeu 06 Aoû 2009, 14:29
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Messagepar Tyseah » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 22:12

OMG. :shock: :love:


Messagepar Heatmann » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 22:21

et tout les scans du mag avec plein d image qui foutent la trique :love: :love:

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Messages: 33395
Inscription: Jeu 06 Aoû 2009, 14:29
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Messagepar Eikichi Onizuka » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 23:04

Comment fait Rockstar pour faire toujours mieux. Et puis surtout la map plus grande que celles de GTA : San Andreas, GTA 4 et Red Dead Redemption réunies ! :shock: Il pèse combien le jeu ? Et en plus il serait aussi beau voir plus beau que Red Dead. Ce jeu c'est day one pour moi.
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Eikichi Onizuka
Modo Rock'n Roll
Modo Rock'n Roll
Messages: 23224
Inscription: Mar 21 Aoû 2007, 00:20
Localisation: 48°23′59″N / 4°28′59″O


Messagepar Heatmann » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 23:10

il sera plus beau car c'est un tout nouveau moteur graphic 3D , c'est pas celui de Red dead qu'ils ont repris :wink: :bluespit: :bluespit:
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Messages: 33395
Inscription: Jeu 06 Aoû 2009, 14:29
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Messagepar Eikichi Onizuka » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 23:29

Rockstar :respect:
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Eikichi Onizuka
Modo Rock'n Roll
Modo Rock'n Roll
Messages: 23224
Inscription: Mar 21 Aoû 2007, 00:20
Localisation: 48°23′59″N / 4°28′59″O


Messagepar comICS-soon » Jeu 08 Nov 2012, 23:45

Y a pas à dire, le mot "attente" pour ce jeu est plus que faible.
See ya in another life brother !
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Messagepar Tyseah » Ven 09 Nov 2012, 11:25

Ouais enfin tout nouveau moteur faut le dire vite. Y a eu grosse réutilisation de celui de Red Dead et GTAIV. :mrgreen:

Mais bon c'est clair qu'il va poutrer. :love:


Messagepar Eikichi Onizuka » Ven 09 Nov 2012, 14:13

Des images sont dispos sur JV.com et ça poutre :love:
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Eikichi Onizuka
Modo Rock'n Roll
Modo Rock'n Roll
Messages: 23224
Inscription: Mar 21 Aoû 2007, 00:20
Localisation: 48°23′59″N / 4°28′59″O


Messagepar Jed Trigado » Ven 09 Nov 2012, 14:21

Tyseah a écrit:Ouais enfin tout nouveau moteur faut le dire vite. Y a eu grosse réutilisation de celui de Red Dead et GTAIV. :mrgreen:

Jed Trigado


Messagepar Dunandan » Sam 10 Nov 2012, 07:45

Waylander a écrit:J'aurais plutôt dit la nana de The shield.


Je trouve qu'au niveau du regard et de la morphologie du visage, il y a plus de Rodriguez, mais bon ...
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