Je te compte si tu me certifie que tu feras une critique quel que soit le film choisi.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Je clôt le vote ce soir, en cas d'égalité je tirerais au sort.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Bon bah le Spielberg alors, RDV dimanche 1er avril pour les critiques.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Je préviens tout de suite, ma critique arrivera un peu plus tard que la date prévue étant donné que j'arrive en période d'examens.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Vu que j'ai examens la semaine prochaine et qu'il fait beau je laisse une semaine de répit, histoire que plus de monde fasse sa critique car là on perd un peu en nombre depuis 3 challenge.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."