Modérateur: Alegas
PSH: "It's not a scientology film."
HE: "But I've read an early draft and it seems to be about a Scientology-like cult...and I've read about the parallels."
PSH: "I don't know what you've heard and what script you've read...Trust me, it's not about Scientology."
scalp a écrit:Southland Tales d'un drogué
On dirait une version scary movie de Strange Days.
And it's been so long since we've seen a Paul Thomas Anderson movie.
He has made one, I saw the first half an hour.
Of 'The Master'?
It's going to be incredible. I'm not going to say anything more on that. He'll kill me!
So the first half hour already exists?
Oh, yeah. Well ... they're editing.
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