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Silver Talks Speed Racer
Date: November 8, 2007
By: Ryan 'The Rican with the Irish name' McLelland
Source: Rotten Tomatoes
Action's biggest producer Joel Silver stopped in to talk with Rotten Tomatoes about next summer's big car racing film Speed Racer starring Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci, Matthew Fox, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon, and directed by The Wachowski Brothers (The Matrix Trilogy).
"The Wachowski Brothers really can't do anything easy," said Silver. "They want to make it as hard as they possibly can. So [Speed Racer is] has a look that you have never seen before. It's really a vast panorama of the story.There's going to be a trailer out at Christmas, and it's pretty spectacular. So you'll see it pretty soon."
"There were a lot of green screen elements in the Matrix movies. There were a lot of things that were done in those films that were done in a very serious CGI format. This is even more advanced than that. Specifically, getting the details of a general race track involves more elements than any bullet time scene or burly brawl they've done before."
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