On va tâcher de garder les RPG classiques ou approchant, pas de Tactical-rpg ou de jeux trop orientés action.
Ninokuni: PS3
The Last guardian: PS3
Tales of Xilia: PS3
Persona 5 (pas encore en développement): PS3
ont attribué des notes: francesco, waylander, kakemono, Eikichi Onizuka, Dionycos, Hannibal, Alegas
nouvelle mouture
notes: 8/10
notes: 7.5/10
notes: 5.5/10
notes: 6.5/10
notes: 7/10
notes: 6/10 * 9/10 * 10/10
notes: 7.5/10 * 8/10
notes: 8.5/10 * 8/10
notes: 9/10 * 9/10 * 9.5/10 * 9/10
notes: 7/10
notes: 10/10 * 9/10 * 9/10 * 9/10 * 7/10
notes: 6.5/10 * 4/10 * 5/10
notes: 8/10 * 5/10 * 8/10
notes: 4.5/10 * 7/10
notes: 8/10
notes: 7.5/10
notes: 5.5/10
notes: 6.5/10
notes: 7/10
notes: 6/10 * 9/10 * 10/10
notes: 7.5/10 * 8/10
notes: 8.5/10 * 8/10
notes: 9/10 * 9/10 * 9.5/10 * 9/10
notes: 7/10
notes: 10/10 * 9/10 * 9/10 * 9/10 * 7/10
notes: 6.5/10 * 4/10 * 5/10
notes: 8/10 * 5/10 * 8/10
notes: 4.5/10 * 7/10
Tales of Graces f:
Hyperdimension neptunia mk2:
PS3 + 360
Fallout 3: 8/10 * 7/10
Fallout New Vegas: 5.5/10
The Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion: 8/10 * 8.5/10 * 5/10
The Elder Scroll V: Skirym: 8.5/10 * 6/10
Mass Effect 2: 8.5/10 * 8/10 * 8.5/10 * 9/10 * 8.5/10
Mass Effect 3: 9/10 * 9/10
Star Ocean 4: the last hope: 7.5/10
Resonance of fate: 4/10 * 8/10
Dragon Age Origins: 7.5/10 * 9/10
Deus Ex Human Revolution : 7/10
XBOX 360:
Mass Effect: 9/10 * 9.5/10 * 10/10 * 9/10 * 7.5/10
Fable II: 7/10 * 7.5/10
Tales of Vesperia: 8.5/10
Persona 3: 10/10
Persona 4: 10/10
Shadow Hearts:
Shadow hearts covenant: 10/10
Shadow hearts from the new world: 6.5/10
Okami: 9.5/10 * 10/10
Suikoden IV: 6.5/10
Suikoden V: 7/10
Wild Arms 4: 7/10
Dragon Quest l'odyssée du Roi maudit:
Dark chronicle:
Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria: 7.5/10
Rogue Galaxy: 8/10 * 9.5/10
Zelda Twilight princess: 9.5/10 * 9/10 * 7/10 * 6.5/10
Zelda the wind waker: 9/10 * 8/10 * 10/10 * 8/10
Tales of Symphonia: 9/10 * 9.5/10 * 4/10
Baten Kaitos:
Skies of Arcadia Legend: 9.5/10 * 9/10
Final Fantasy Cristal Chronicles: 4/10
Suikoden 2: 9/10
Final Fantasy IV: 9/10
Final Fantasy V: 8/10
Final Fantasy VI: 10/10
Final Fantasy VII: 10/10 * 10/10 * 8/10 * 10/10 * 10/10 * 9/10
Final Fantasy VIII: 5.5/10 * 8/10 * 7/10 * 9/10 * 9/10 * 9.5/10
Final Fantasy IX: 9/10 * 10/10 * 10/10 * 9.5/10 * 10/10
Wild arms: 6/10 * 6.5/10
Jade cocoon: 4/10
Star ocean: 5/10
Star Ocean 2: 8/10
Parasite Eve: 8/10 * 7.5/10
Grandia: 7/10 * 8/10
Vagrant Story: 9/10 * 9/10