Scalp a écrit: Autre Test du Chef D'oeuvre de Leone
une précision pour ceux que ça interesse:
chez nous, d' après LAL , le steelbook sera une exclue fnac
Modérateur: Dunandan
Scalp a écrit: Autre Test du Chef D'oeuvre de Leone
francesco34 a écrit:Jaws, Jurassic... manque plus qu'un petit coup d'Indiana Joneset ça sera pas mal
There's been a lot of speculation among fans that - this being the 30th anniversary of the original Raiders of the Lost Ark - the Indiana Jones Trilogy would be released this year. But as you may recall, I've reported that this was unlikely, because Lucasfilm had already set the Star Wars Saga for Blu-ray release in late 2011, and it would be bad business for the company to allow their two biggest franchises to come out on Blu-ray in the same holiday season and thus compete with one another. And indeed, our industry sources have now confirmed to us that the classic Indy films are being prepped for release on the format in 2012 instead. That said, director Steven Spielberg is a well known supporter of the Blu-ray format, so it's unlikely a year would go by without at least a couple of his films being released on disc in HD. Well, now we know which ones are coming...
Killbush a écrit:Pas très objectif sur celui là, mais ca vaut au moins 9
Heatmann a écrit:mon jackson prefere c est king kong moi sans hesitation , ca s explique pas, enfin si , faudrai que j en fasse une critique un jour
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