Modérateur: Alegas
Scalp a écrit: Font pas de film dans le nord, sont trop occupé à copuler entre cousins.
Heatmann a écrit: bon je vient de finir ca biographie et c'est effarant et passionant , et je doute que eastwood montre bien tout de ce qu'etait hoover , c'etait une vrai salope !!! il accumule bien les tare et bien taboo , je voit mal tout ca fidelement a l'ecran dans une grosse machine made in clint avec leo ect .. mais pourquoi pas ..
He was a very complex person. The homosexual aspect is just one of many. I would say that’s the least of his problems. But he was also very clever, whether rightfully or wrongfully, he was very clever about keeping himself in a certain position in life, so it is an interesting study. He is a fascinating character, and I think I am the right person to do it, not because I knew him or anything, but I did grow up with him. He was an iconic figure."
Hoover is told from Hoover’s point of view, which I’ve never seen before. I’ve read all the books; I’m a history buff. It’s always told from a rather detached point of view, and I think that’s because Hoover never let anyone in. And because of that — and the contradiction between what he believed his history was and what his history actually was — it lends itself to a less-traditional structure. There are more contradictions.
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