Réalisation: S. Craig Zahler
Distribution: Vince Vaughn, Adrien Brody
Genre: Polar
Origine: USA
Sortie: 2025 ?
Synopsis: Follows two WWII veterans, Rivner, a Jewish man, and Boscolo, an Italian-American, as they struggle to readjust to life after returning from war, no longer fitting into their previous existences.
Zahler a révélé son prochain projet, c'était soit The Bigh Stone Grid, script qu'il avait écrit il y a plusieurs années et sur lequel Michael Mann avait mis une option pour le réaliser, soit celui-ci, apparemment plus récent, et c'est donc ce dernier qui est mis en route.
Vaughn qui revient au casting, et Brody en co-lead.
Le synopsis plus détaillé :
“The Bookie & the Bruiser is set in 1959 New York City and features a pensive, Jewish fellow named Rivner and an oversized Italian-American tough named Boscolo from the Lower East Side, both of whom served overseas in World War II and returned changed men who no longer fit inside the lives they’d left behind. Uninterested in taking orders from bosses or playing by the rules of polite society, the two friends partner up as a bookmaker and an enforcer and create an illicit gambling operation that proves to be very profitable, though risky, and their situation gets rather sticky when they find themselves stuck between a powerful Irish gang and the Mafia.”
Tournage probablement dans les prochains mois, vu que les droits de distribution vont être mis en vente à Cannes.