Je trouve la disparition d'autant plus brutale que je n'arrivais jamais vraiment à lui donner un âge, du coup il donnait l'impression d'être un acteur éternel. Gros R.I.P. pour cet acteur hautement sympathique.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Teri Garr, 79 ans, qui avait joué notamment dans Tootsie (nommée à l'Oscar du second rôle), Coup de cœur, et Rencontres du troisième type.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Fais chier. J'essayai dernièrement d'y passer le plus possible pour les aider à continuer, mais leur stock faisait du surplace, peu de nouveautés, peu de vrais bons plans, ça devenait compliqué de justifier un achat à chaque passage. A priori, le mec essaye de trouver un autre local pour y déménager, mais rien de gagné.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."