elpingos a écrit:Syndicaliste, va . Moi j'en ai vu une centaine grand max... Après c'est pas la quantité qui compte ,et à ce titre, il a beau être impressionnant ce plan séquence, son côté un peu artificiel se pose là un peu. (Y en a des plus petits, des moins peuplés, chez Cuaron notamment, qui pètent bien plus).
Entièrement d'accord, tu prêches un converti là Le mec a mon respect éternel pour le plan séquence dans la bagnole dans Les Fils de l'Homme.
elpingos a écrit:Syndicaliste, va . Moi j'en ai vu une centaine grand max...
Dans le commentaire audio, Wright parle pourtant de 2000 figurants pour ce plan.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Cyrano en comédie musicale. En langue anglaise. Cyrano est un nain. Christian est un black.
Il y a sûrement moyen qu'il fasse pire que Pan.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."
Joe Wright qui réalise une mini-série sur Mussolini. Why not. Le trailer est cool en tout cas.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."