The Criterion Collection

L'actualité du Blu-Ray

Modérateur: Dunandan

Re: The Criterion Collection

Messagepar Val » Mar 16 Avr 2024, 06:38

Il y aurait en fait deux montages sur le 4K : le ciné d'un côté (inédit en DVD) et pour l'autre, je n' arrive pas à comprendre s'il s'agit du Turner Cut de 88 ou du montage de 2005.
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Messages: 18564
Inscription: Mer 27 Aoû 2008, 14:51

Re: The Criterion Collection

Messagepar Jed_Trigado » Mar 16 Avr 2024, 07:00

L'éditeur indique ça sur son FB :

The preview cut that will be available on The Criterion Collection's upcoming release of PAT GARRETT & BILLY THE KID is not Turner's, but Sam Peckinpah's final and never before seen preview cut, recovered and restored specifically for this release -- the closest we have to a director's cut of the film that we will ever get. Its 2k restoration will be included in the blu-ray, along with a 4k (and tweaked) 50th-anniversary restoration of the final cut and the theatrical cut.
Here's the story: A "heist" was engineered to get Peckinpah's final preview print out of the projection room where it was screened for MGM execs. Sam was walking off the picture, and a Watergate-esque "break-in" was orchestrated by those who felt that Sam's preview needed to be preserved. Unfortunately, the clean up crew didn't realize that it was an interlock print. Sound and picture were separate, so they grabbed the picture and left the sound behind whose retrieval required a second heist. But all missions were ultimately successful. When Sam was presented with the print, he was so paranoid that MGM was going to come after it that he put a fake title ("The Racquet Club;" pictured) on the cans and leader. It's never been released until now, because it was among Sam's personal prints, not in the studio vaults.
When Michael Chaiken reached out to me on behalf of Criterion about their restoration and upcoming release of PAT GARRETT & BILLY THE KID, I got him in contact with Sam's friend and archivist Don Hyde, who pointed them in the right direction to locate and restore Sam's preview cut. I also encouraged them to contact Mike Siegel, who ended up making a documentary for this release, and connected Michael with Jeff Slater, who contributed from his abundance of archival material for the special features and provided additional contacts for supplemental material.
In short, this was a team effort -- and we are so grateful for Criterion's collaborative spirit to ensure that we did right both by Sam and all of his fans who have waited so patiently for its release.

Si je comprends bien, il y aura trois montages, les deux premiers sortis en dvd et le preview cut lui complètement inédit.
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Re: The Criterion Collection

Messagepar Val » Mar 16 Avr 2024, 11:58

Merci pour l'info.

Plus précisément, le DVD proposait le Turner Cut de 1988 (une tentative de reconstruction du film a partir des notes de Peckinpah) et un nouveau montage dit "final cut' de 2005 donc.
Ici, Criterion proposera donc en 4K le montage cinéma (inédit sur support numérique) et le Final Cut tandis qu'un Blu-ray proposera un nouveau montage qui est apparemment celui que Peckinpah avait montré à quelques happy few (dont Scorsese je crois) à l'époque et retrouvé dans les archives de Peckinpah.

Autant dire qu'il s'agit d'un événement :D mais malheureusement réservé aux anglophones. :?
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Messages: 18564
Inscription: Mer 27 Aoû 2008, 14:51


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