Modérateurs: Alegas, Eikichi Onizuka, helldude
Eikichi Onizuka a écrit:RE3 et FF7 vont pouvoir se faire une place.
How would you say Cyberpunk 2077 is going to differ from The Witcher? Obviously, it’s cyberpunk and not fantasy but, for those that are coming into this who have played The Witcher video games…
It kind of feels similar I think because, at its heart, it’s still a RPG, right? But the main difference will be the combat element.
Which looks really cool from the footage I’ve seen.
Yeah, it looks good in that demo that we showed. Also the camera perspective changes, which is controversial, having the first-person instead of the third-person camera.
I was wondering about that because I’m one of those people who rarely plays first-person video games because, within minutes, I’ll get violent motion sickness.
There’s stuff planned so you’ll be able to change your depth of field, reduce the head-bobbing effect, and some other stuff that we want to do to make sure that people don’t get sick.
I noticed in the demo that there’s a shot where the main protagonist is riding a motorcycle and then he stops and the camera shifts to a third-person perspective. Any chance of this meaning a third-person option might be available?
Yeah, in the vehicles you can but just in the vehicles.
How do the cutscenes work with the custom characters? I’m guessing with them all being in first-person, there’s not too many challenges.
Yeah, I don’t think there are any third-person cutscenes in the game as far as I know. There might be some at the beginning and at the end but I’m not sure on that.
The cutscene system is a very ground-breaking RMD thing for us to get it very seamless. So that you stay in the game.
For example, narrative sequences are happening in front of you and you have some control over the character so you don’t feel like you’re watching a movie.
Tell me about the non-fatal gameplay option that’s been showcased recently. Players can truly explore the entire Cyberpunk 2077 world and storyline without killing anyone?
Yeah but you have to hurt them though, right? You can knock them out.
I was wondering about that in the boss fight I saw where there was definitely a lot of shooting but still the option to leave the opponents breathing.
We’re balancing it specifically so that you can get through it without killing anyone. There’s a non-lethal route.
Is it harder if you’re not killing anyone?
Yeah. It takes a lot longer to play too.
It’s like real life, I guess, in that regard.
The easiest way [to play the game] is to just gun right through it.
How open is Cyberpunk 2077 in terms of gameplay and experience? It looks so immersive. I just want to set up a coffee shop or something in it.
We don’t have any simulator stuff or gameplay. In Witcher 3, we did the open-world elements very late in the development process when we only had two or three people working on it or something. Now there’s, like, 15 people doing these open-world quests.
There’s a couple of layers. There’s a passive layer, which is the vendors, then there’s the STSs, which are the street stories. I think there’s around 75 street stories. Then there’s minor activities as well.
The street stories are like little quests. There’s story but there’s not, like, advanced cinematic storytelling sequences so much. They’re a way to explore the world and level-up your character.
Are these randomly generated or is it possible to work through and complete them all?
They’re all custom done. There’s nothing like that that’s automatically generated. There are set templates that the guys can use but each one is customized to make them feel unique. The world’s going to be filled with that stuff. It should feel really good.
Are you guys planning much in the way of additional content post-launch?
We are. Yeah. There’ll be stuff that comes out after. The Witcher model kind of worked for us.
Kind of like the DLC story packs?
I’m not allowed to say what it will be but it’ll probably be something like The Witcher. I wish I could talk about it more because, for us, it’s very interesting. But we can’t.
francesco34 a écrit:Pour sûr, t'as un bon jeu (Witcher 3) qui a mis d'accord critiques et joueurs, et un jeu très bof bof (FF15) qui a pas mal divisé et pas forcément séduit les fans de la saga...
Je sais pas quel est le degré d'attente pour FF7, mais même si il est réussi pas sûr effectivement que le remake d'un vieux JRGP mythique fasse aussi bien que le nouveau CDProjekt.
Killbush a écrit:Ouais enfin Square Enix, ça ne se limite pas à FF15, les mecs sortent des bons jeux depuis des décennies
osorojo a écrit:S'il y a bien un truc qu'on peut pas reprocher à CDProjekt c'est de prendre leurs fanboys aveugles pour des cons. Les mecs sont généreux, les 2 DLCs additionnels à W3 en sont la preuve, B&W est quasi un jeu complet à lui tout seul.
T'as pas aimé Witcher, soit, mais la hype autour du 3 n'est pas usurpée et c'est logique que Cyberpunk soit attendu. Le studio est une valeur sure, ben ouais, vu tout le taff qu'ils ont abattu autour de Witcher, ça me semble plus que légitime. Et je vois pas en quoi c'est problématique, c'est cool aussi que de "nouveaux" studios prennent, ou entretiennent comme tu veux, la relève. En tant que joueur, je vois pas pourquoi on devrait opposer les différentes maisons, ça fait plus de choix pour tout le monde et c'est tant mieux.
Tu pourras ainsi éviter ce cyberpunk overhypé et jouer à autre chose
Alegas a écrit:Killbush a écrit:Ouais enfin Square Enix, ça ne se limite pas à FF15, les mecs sortent des bons jeux depuis des décennies
Je suis pas un grand connaisseur du sujet, mais j'ai l'impression que Final Fantasy, dans le genre saga qui n'arrive plus à convaincre depuis un moment, ça se pose là.
D'ailleurs, le fait de remaker l'épisode le plus apprécié n'est pas un hasard : les mecs veulent sûrement créer l'illusion en faisant style "FF c'est toujours dans le game".
Alegas a écrit:Je parlais pas spécifiquement de vente, plus de l'impact culturel que la licence peut avoir par rapport à une autre époque.
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