Modérateur: Alegas
Waylander a écrit:Tintin il est pas mal le score pourtant de mémoire. Après je suis d'accord pour la déception de SW7 mais je suis aussi assez d'accord avec les arguments de SillaBO. C'est dur de passer après 6 films sans faire de la redite et du fan service et ce con de Williams a quand même réussit le pari à chaque nouveau film. Il y a une logique. Dans le 3, le score a déçu des gens aussi alors qu'il colle au contexte et au ton du film....Les scores, autant on peut juger le taff technique, autant faut aussi juger l'utilisation dans le film et sa cohérence avec lui.
Killbush a écrit:Perso je pensais qu'il serait nominé, tout comme pour meilleur film et réal, il doit être écœuré le père Quentin.
Mark Chopper a écrit:"Loin d'être mauvaise", ça fait léger pour une nomination aux Oscars.
If the Razzies are predictable, it’s because they prefer simply to ratify popular impressions of failure rather than single them out for the first time. In fact, this ethos is built into the nomination process: the organization’s 895 voters – mainly “average moviegoers who pay an annual fee”, Wilson says, but also some critics, film-makers and members of the industry – are presented a list of candidates and asked to decide the most worthy among them.
But the candidates aren’t the product of anyone’s personal distaste. They’re decided upon by repute. “We look at budgets and box office,” Wilson tells me. “We pay attention to user ratings at the IMDB. The main thing we look at is Rotten Tomatoes: if a movie has a score lower than 50%, it’s of interest to us. If it’s below 20%, it’s probably going to end up listed on the nomination ballot.” Of significance, too, is what Wilson calls “Razzie pedigree” – the award’s appetite for losing streaks. “Someone like an Adam Sandler, pretty much everything the man’s done for 15 years is Razzie eligible.”
Wilson, for his part, stands by his decisions – The Shining included. “There was almost no tension in that film,” he says. “Stanley Kubrick … he chickened out! He needed to be closer to what the book was. If you have zero respect for the source material, go do something else!” Nor, in Wilson’s mind, has Brian de Palma redeemed himself, after five Razzie nominations for worst director. “Oh my God, he was horrible!” he says. He tells me that he once saw some dailies from the set of Scarface and could tell the man had no talent. “The incompetence of it was astounding.”
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