Heatmann a écrit:les premier avis apres la sortie de la projo presse commence a debarquer ...
et surprise : ca sent pas bon !
"It isn’t perfect but this reboot’s wins outweigh its wobbles. The leads charm, the action crackles and the grooves are well-laid for part two. Untold story? Next time, then".
(totalfilm note : 4/5)
"Marc Webb's successful synthesis of action and emotion, together with a terrific performance by Andrew Garfield, means that this Spider-Man is as enjoyable as it is impressive" "Webb successfully treads a fine line between keeping the hardcore superhero-movie fans happy and injecting a dose of meaningful affect".
(The Guardian note : 4/5)
"Graced with great performances from Garfield and Stone, The Amazing Spider-Man is a rare comic-book flick that is better at examining relationships than superheroism. If it doesn’t approach the current benchmark of Avengers Assemble, it still delivers a different enough, enjoyable origin story to live comfortably alongside the Raimi era"
(Empire note : 3/5)
(note 4/5)
(note 4/4)
ah oui en effet ça sent pas bon