Modérateur: Alegas
Logan a écrit:Ca tue, Rian Johnson c'est l'avenir du cinéma, fact
En plus le mec rend hommage à tous les genres après le film noir, le film d'arnaque maintenant c'est le film de SF 70's, grosse attente sur celui la.
Par contre il abuse à enlaidir tout le monde, putain la gueule de Blunt
Rian Johnson sur twitter :
"If you're already set on seeing Looper, I'd avoid any trailers from here on out. They don't ruin the movie, but they tip a few little things that are fun to discover in the context of the movie."
"I approved all the trailers, they're great an they won't ruin anything big. But the small things they tip are fun to discover in the movie."
Intelligent science-fiction sometimes seems an endangered species - too much physics and there's a risk of creating something cold and remote, too many explosions and get lost in the multiplex. Looper isn't perfect, but it pulls off the full wizard of OZ: It has brain, courage and a heart.
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