HACKER de Michael Mann

L'actualité cinéma

Modérateur: Alegas

Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Milkshake » Dim 11 Jan 2015, 12:35

Des info sur le shooting du film :

Mann et son directeur photo Stuart Dryburgh ont utilisé la Alexa XT comme camera numérique 4K principale et la Red Scarlet/Epic pour avoir une caméra plus petite et compacte sur certaines séquences.

“Michael likes to have his cinematographer work with different cameras because he wants different looks,” Sonnefeld adds. “He’s more concerned with the overall energy of he film; he’s not so precious about matching everything.

“I think [Mann’s approach] can be much more powerful,” he continues. “It depends on the piece, of course, but sometimes when shots are too close and consistent, it can get a little sterile and in a way feel less realistic. Sometimes images go together powerfully in the dramatic context of a scene or a whole movie but don’t necessarily match scientifically. Michael doesn’t just say, ‘Brighten this scene.’ He’ll say, ‘The character’s really angry at this point, so how can we help convey this with contrast and color?’ That’s why it’s always so interesting and enjoyable working with him.”



Conférence de presse :

Premier avis sur le film :

"I was invited to the pre screening in San Francisco (Silicon Valley) with a bunch of Security Engineers to watch Blackhat. Chris Hemsworth, Michael Mann, Tang Wei, and Leehom Wang came to that screening and did a small get together to hang out with the cast afterwards.

Blackhat is the best movie that showcased realism in cyber threats. I won't spoil it, but the methods of hacking in that movie was realistic. The crowd full of hackers were clapping many times in those scenes. They actually used real terminals, Ubuntu (I think), they used actual commands! Even the way he was discovering stuff was real. Michael Mann said the movie was inspired by StuxNet virus.

Chris Hemsworth played the role of the hacker very well. The hacker lang was used by him was smooth. The way he looked at the screen and how he typed couldn't have been better, reminded me of myself :) They used the word "Code" a lot which wasn't normal in hack speak, the word "Exploit", "Vulnerability" would have been better, but as Michael Mann stated the audience should understand it :) So point taken.

I wish it was more focused on hacking and the process, but at the end of the day it is an action movie :) But the movie was great, I am going to go see it again at the theatres when it comes out in 11 days.

The opening CGI is awesome too, pay attention to the level of details. Guess what it is? Michael Mann explained how they did it, it is Schematics and 3D Model of the an 7 year old Qualcomm chipse

I shared the image of Chris Hemsworth and I on Twitter, his personality is great. More people like him would make the world a better place. He stays out of social media accounts, and focuses on his family and career. Nice fellow, and goofy too :) We were joking around about the movie Internship (fist me bro) and phone hacking, wifi hacking, hehe"
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Inscription: Dim 13 Sep 2009, 16:55

Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Alegas » Lun 12 Jan 2015, 20:37

Le score de Harry Gregson-Williams modifié sans qu'il le sache :

Dear all,

I would like it to be known for what it’s worth that the ‘score’ for Blackhat maybe credited to me, but contains almost none of my compositions. I attended the premiere of the movie at the end of last week and discovered, to my horror, music that shocked and surprised me…quasi emotional (synth) string pieces that I’d never heard in my life before. I knew of at least one other composer, a good one at that(!), that had put in months of work on this movie just as I had, but this appeared to me to be in addition to both our contributions. To be honest, I’m not sure, as I’m having a hard time understanding what I heard and why it was there and I can say nothing for certain except that I was not the author of most of what is now in the movie. I feel like I want to point this out for anyone who like me cares about these things, as my name is right there listed as the lead composer and one would expect that credit to mean something, but it doesn’t. And I do care about that.

I therefore reluctantly join the long list of composers who have had their scores either sliced and diced mercilessly or ignored completely by Michael Mann. This is his film and these are his decisions and I do respect that, but see no reason to have people mistake this score for one that I composed, or in any way approved of musically. The 90 minutes of score that I did write and deliver is, as I’ve said, mostly unused.

I would still encourage you to check out his movie, as you may enjoy it.

Et il se murmure que le film que l'on verra au ciné sera coupé par le studio de certaines séquences que Mann placera dans sa DC.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Heatmann » Lun 12 Jan 2015, 22:23

t'a entenu ces murmures ou ca ?

sinon , pour ce qui est de la musique , on va me taxer de fanboy , mais faut reconnaitre , que niveau music , il a plutot toujour super bien choisit le Mann ! ca se trouve le score de HGW etait pas terrible ou collait pas ! je fait confiance a mann la dessus
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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Alegas » Lun 12 Jan 2015, 22:45

C'est pas le changement par Mann qui me choquerait dans l'histoire pour le coup. HGW c'est pas non plus le mec qui fait que des scores irréprochables et puis c'est le film de Mann après tout, mais je trouve ça dommage de voir qu'on ne prévient même pas un compositeur, qui aura son nom crédité au générique, lorsque son travail est totalement remanié (et ma remarque peut aussi marcher sur les scripts). Après, est-ce que c'est la faute de Mann ou des prods, va savoir.

Pour la rumeur, je tient ça d'un post sur dvdclassik, mais par contre je sais pas du tout qui tient ces propos :

"I'm a bit biased because I worked on it, but to be honest it was a lot of fun and Mann does some great things with the visuals. It's such a shame that a lot of my favorite scenes and shots from the production were cut, but hey at least there's director's cut. I would honestly need to re-watch it to get a better grasp of its quality because I spent most of the film reminiscing about my time on set."

"After a six year hiatus you rightfully expect something "bigger". Still, though definitely not a magnum opus by (almost) any sense, Blackhat delivers the "Mann punch" in terms of urban lonesomeness, camaraderie, freedom in an unprincipled world, machismo and the stereotypical male need for wholesome -and imposing- survival.
Two shoot-out sequences a major treat, too."
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Heatmann » Lun 12 Jan 2015, 22:53

ok , merci pour la quote ... bon , faut juste esperer que la personne avait vue juste une version de travaille , forcement ca coupe des truc de tourner ..

Sinon oui , je suis d accord , c est degeu de jamais prevenir les compositeur quand ils se font mettre leur score aux chiottes , car bon , ca arrive souvent et toujour de la meme maniere ...
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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Alegas » Mar 13 Jan 2015, 10:32

Trouvé sur la page FB de Melomad :

Le score de BLACKHAT de Michael Mann est donc finalement signé Ryan Amon, Mike Dean, HGW et Atticus Ross. Amon avait composé la musique d'ELYSIUM et Dean est un claviste qui travaille avec Kanye West.
"Our films were never intended for a passive audience. There are enough of those kinds of films being made. We wanted our audience to have to work, to have to think, to have to actually participate in order to enjoy them."

The Wachowskis

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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Milkshake » Mar 13 Jan 2015, 20:15

"BLACKHAT is Michael Mann's Johnnie To movie. gloriously silly stuff. a mirthless 71-year-old made a beefy globetrotting cybercrime thriller. love it."

Hell Yes 8)

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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Mark Chopper » Mar 13 Jan 2015, 21:50

Il fait dans le cybercrime Johnnie To ?
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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Heatmann » Mer 14 Jan 2015, 15:54

pas terrible les 1ere review ..... bon , je me souvient de miami vice , et paradoxelement de Public enemis , mais bon , c'est pas souvent pour Mann ... Wait and see donc
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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Milkshake » Mer 14 Jan 2015, 21:40

Effectivement à l'exception 2/3 bonnes critiques il y a facilement 10 critiques qui descendent le film essentiellement sur son scénario et parfois l'interpretation de hemsworth. Ca cite beaucoup Miami Vice....

Et puis le studio Universal qui a pas confiance pour sortir le film en plein mois de janvier, ils abusent et mettent toutes les chances pour que le Mann face un petit score au box office comme ces deux précedents films.
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Inscription: Dim 13 Sep 2009, 16:55

Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Heatmann » Mer 14 Jan 2015, 22:02

bon , les review sur miami c'etait pareil , et ca disait la meme chose ...... si c'est du meme acabit , putain je suis encore plus joie :bluespit: :bluespit:
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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Milkshake » Mer 14 Jan 2015, 22:14

Je m'inquiete pas trop car les rares critiques positive disent que c'est un film fait pour les adepte de Mann, par contre j'espère que l'histoire ne soit pas un pretexte/baclé à la Miami Vice qui permet juste à Mann de tenter des choses en terme de visuel/mise en scène.

Il faudrait que je lui redonne une chance à ce Miami Vice voir si je le revois à la hausse ou pas.
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Inscription: Dim 13 Sep 2009, 16:55

Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Milkshake » Dim 18 Jan 2015, 10:31

Michael Mann/Chris Hemsworth hacker thriller Blackhat opened in eighth place with a terrible $1.4 million. That's in line with Hemsworth brother Liam's Paranoia ($1.3 million), and is below past Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend bomb The Last Stand ($2 million). Blackhat could wind up with less than $4 million over the three-day weekend, which would be one of the worst debuts ever for a movie playing in at least 2,500 locations.

Weekend Projections
1. American Sniper - $86 million ($101 million four-day)
2. The Wedding Ringer - $21 million ($24 million four-day)
3. Paddington - $18 million ($24 million four-day)
4. Taken 3 - $14 million ($16.5 million four-day)
5. Selma - $8 million ($10 million four-day)

Eastwood avec American Sniper fait un score record en janvier et Mann fait un flop record pour un film distribué dans autant de salle :cry:

C'est pas demain qu'on va voir Agincourt sur les écrans. Faut esperer que le film se rattrape à l'international.
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Inscription: Dim 13 Sep 2009, 16:55

Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar Mark Chopper » Dim 18 Jan 2015, 11:22

Faut croire que Thor n'attire pas les foules sans son marteau (le Ron Howard a des soucis à se faire).
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Re: HACKER de Michael Mann

Messagepar dagokhiouma » Dim 18 Jan 2015, 11:57

j'y vois aussi un problème de programmation. Sortir en même temps que le Eastwood, il y avait sûrement mieux à faire.
Les hommes livrent leur âme, comme les femmes leur corps, par zones successives et bien défendues.
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