BERSERKER de Mel Gibson

L'actualité cinéma

Modérateur: Alegas

BERSERKER de Mel Gibson

Messagepar Waylander » Mer 15 Aoû 2012, 07:58

Réalisation: Mel Gibson
Distribution: Inconnu
Genre: Historique
Origine: USA

Sortie: Inconnue

Synopsis: Film sur les Vikings.

Interview du 13/08/2012 de Mel Gibson ( en anglais )

CS: Now looking at what's going on with upcoming projects. What's the status on the Viking movie, which is still called "Berserker" I presume?
Gibson: It's still called "Berserker" and I believe it's going forward. I've talked to actors and stuff, and there are some good names attached who want to do it.

CS: But not DiCaprio?
Gibson: He's pretty busy, so no.

CS: Is it still a violent Viking movie in the original language?
Gibson: Not the original language. I'd thought about that at one time but then when you consider that English comes from the middle English language, it's not a big jump. I'll do something that's understandable for a modern audience. But it won't be the English THEY'RE used to.

CS: You've got a script?
Gibson: I've got a great script. And the idea's been batting around my head for years. And I couldn't find a way to make it work, because if you look at what Vikings did, they're pretty unsympathetic. And there's no point in doing Viking light. So I had to find a way to find devices and ways to make that work dramatically, intelligently and make it seem realistic so it's about real conflict in a real era in the 9th century, so that you actually see behavior and a new mode of thought seeping in. By the 11th century there weren't any of these guys left anymore.
Messages: 26991
Inscription: Lun 03 Aoû 2009, 09:22

Re: BERSERKER de Mel Gibson

Messagepar Milkshake » Dim 19 Aoû 2012, 12:53

Bien il lache pas l'affaire car c'est peu le sujet rêvé pour son cinema.
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Messages: 8665
Inscription: Dim 13 Sep 2009, 16:55

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