Modérateur: Dunandan
helldude™ a écrit:Mon compte indique ceci:
03/09/2008 Processing Transaction ID: 7PW06918939377051
Payment Type: PayPal Direct Payment
Payment Status: Completed
AVS Code: Service not Supported Not applicable
CVV2 Code: Match CVV2
03/09/2008 Shipped Thanks for your Order. Please take a look at our Forum on the Web site for latest information and discussions. Also take a look at our X-Demo’s, only played once, excellent condition. When making Future Purchases use this discount Code:euro1 . Which gives you 2.5% off. Additional Codes:
$75 to $149 will be 4% reduction code is: Over75:
$150 to $250 will be 5% reduction code is: Over150:
$250 to $500 will be 7.5% reduction code is: Over250:
over $500 will be 8.5% reduction code is: Over500:
03/13/2008 Shipped I am Legend,shipping tomorrow,lc183833988us.
zack_ a écrit:A quoi bon de continuer la HD alors que ca s'éteint progressivement
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