De toute façon, j'ai vu tous leurs films japonais (pas forcément en entier ), donc tu demandes, pas de souci
Tu peux par exemple ajouter le dernier Miike au premier post. Et Story of Yonosuke vieillit très bien en tête.
Modérateur: Dunandan
Jed_Trigado a écrit: Hana-bi, Kikujiro et Dolls en HD pour la seconde moitié 2015.
So in the end, we need to count on customers who like physical media. Think of it as with the rebirth of vinyl. For those who like ‘niche’ media they prefer to own something physical instead of the throw-away media of mp3s and online files, so tapping into that market with good customer service and making high quality releases is the only way to survive, ala Arrow Films, Eureka, etc
Though living in Japan I am always reinvigorated about cinema. I only think that the UK is nothing for cinema. There are no 35mm projectors, barely any independently programmed cinemas, and no chance for cinema to thrive independently. If you think about it, why would you even want to make a film in the UK when the chance of it getting a theatrical run is practically zero. In Japan, any day of the week in Tokyo I can see tiny, independent films, shot for less (and sometimes MUCH less) than $100,000, getting full one or two week theatrical runs.
I want to be there to answer any questions or listen to any comments that any of my customers has, whether it be via direct mail, facebook, twitter, or even the occasional letter in the post! I
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