Mark Chopper a écrit:La Nikkatsu a décidé de produire une nouvelle vague de roman porno et Sion Sono est de la partie.
[Akihiko Shiota x Battle]
Shiota smartly expresses a vibrant game that a perplexed man and a freewheeling woman play in love by making use of his tactical screenplay taught by his master and a writer/director Atsushi Yamatoya, while showing his respect for director Tatsumi Kumashiro. This film returns us to Shiota’s roots and will break new ground as well.
[Kazuya Shiraishi x Society]
A challenging and social film following after “The Devil's Path” (2013) and “Twisted Justice” (2016). Shiraishi describes women in a modern society from a journalistic perspective and pays homage to our Roman Porno title “Night of the Felines” (1972) directed by Noboru Tanaka.
[Sion Sono x Art]
A girl’s delusion and reality are disrupted in a rich-colored and fantastic world. Sion Sono will create an anarchistic, radical, beautiful and controversial film that destroys the wall of the expression in his quest to freedom.
[Hideo Nakata x Lesbian]
Nakata entered Nikkatsu as an assistant director and experienced several on-location shoots for Roman Porno soft-core series, but this film will be the first Roman Porno title directed by Nakata himself. He challenges a lesbian world taking over from the old title spirits, with his respect for his master, director Masaru Konuma.
[Isao Yukisada x Romance]
Yukisada, known as a remarkable love storyteller, describes an erotic story he had never presented at this Roman Porno project. After 15 years from “Luxurious Bone” (2001), a soulful film that shows a little painful, sensuous affection will be revealed.
Kyoko (Ami Tomite) is a novel writer and artist. She shuts herself in a room painted in bright colors. She carries out her schedule minute by minute. Kyoko's schedule is sent from her manager Noriko.
Pensez-vous vous orienter vers un cinéma encore plus familial après Love and Peace ?
[...] Mais non, je n’ai pas du tout envie de refaire un film comme ça. L’inverse même.
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