Voici la parution américaine (les 10 numéros correspondants aux 10 tomes "librairies" sortis aux U.S)
Chez Urban :
Tome 1 : L'Héritage Maudit contient :
- Batman & Son :
"Batman and Son" (with Andy Kubert, in #655-658, 2006)
"The Clown at Midnight" (with John van Fleet, in #663, 2007)
"Three Ghosts of Batman" (with Andy Kubert, in #664-665, 2007)
"Numbers of the Beast" (with Andy Kubert, in #666, 2007)
-The Black Glove :
"The Island of Mister Mayhew" (with J. H. Williams III, in #667-669, 2007)
Tome 2 : Batman R.I.P contient :
- la suite de The Black Glove :
"Space Medicine" (with Tony Daniel, in #672, 2008)
"Joe Chill in Hell" (with Tony Daniel, in #673, 2008)
"Batman Dies at Dawn" (with Tony Daniel, in #674, 2008)
"The Fiend with Nine Eyes" (with Ryan Benjamin, in #675, 2008)
- Batman R.I.P :
"Batman R.I.P." (with Tony Daniel, in #676-681, 2008)
Tome 3 : Batman & Robin contient :
-Batman Reborn :
"Batman Reborn" (with Frank Quitely, in #1-3, 2009)
"Revenge of the Red Hood" (with Philip Tan, in #4-6, 2009–2010)
-Batman vs. Robin :
"Blackest Knight" (with Cameron Stewart, in #7-9, 2010)
Tome 4 : Le Dossier Noir contient :
-La suite de Batman R.I.P
"Last Rites" (with Lee Garbett, in #682-683, 2008)
- Time and the Batman :
"Time and the Batman" (with Tony Daniel, Frank Quitely, Scott Kolins, Andy Kubert and David Finch, in #700, 2010)
"Batman R.I.P.: Missing Chapter" (with Tony Daniel, in #701-702, 2010)
Le tome 5 qui sortira bientôt devrait contenir Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne, 8 tomes sont prévus au total chez Urban.